Would you like to become a member of HAD?
HAD (formerly Harrow Association of Disabled people) is led by and is for Disabled People. Our aim is to create a fully inclusive society where Disabled people enjoy equality of opportunity as a right, not a privilege.
We hope that you will take this opportunity to become a Friend of HAD, and show your
support for the excellent work of our organisation, which deals with many thousands of
queries, customers and clients every year.
To become a Friend of HAD, all you have to do is fill out the form below and you will hear
from us soon.
By becoming a Friend of HAD, you will receive our online magazine updating you on key
current issues for Disabled people, and if you are a Disabled person, you will have voting
rights at HAD’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).
You will also be invited to take part in consultations and give your views on a range of
issues which affect Disabled people in Harrow. We can also let you know about our services.
There is no charge for individual membership, however the funding we receive is limited for
the thousands of people who call on our services each year, and we try not to turn people
away. Therefore any donation you can make would be very much appreciated and would
really help with the work we do. There are other ways you can help, such as buying lottery
tickets to support HAD: - also giving you a chance to win! - or even leaving us a legacy in your will. If you want to know more, get in touch.
Equality information
You are not obliged to respond to the queries below, however the information will help us
to ensure that we giving services fairly to all sections of the local community, and will only
be seen by those who are responsible for collating information or monitoring equality. Any
reporting we do of equality information, as with all service information, will be anonymised
and you will not be able to be identified from it, unless we have your prior consent.