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You can download this edition at the bottom of this article.
In the latest edition of Access Online we have highlighted our new campaign group 'Harrow Campaigns' and detailed our first campaign called 'Project PEEPs' - sometimes accessibility means life or death. PEEP is an acronym for Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan.
The aim of a PEEP is to provide people who cannot get themselves out of a building unaided with the necessary information and assistance to be able to manage their escape to a place of safety and to ensure that the correct level of assistance is always available.
To get involved or for more information please email harrowcampaigns@had.org.uk
Table of Contents:
Harrow Campaigns/Project PEEPs
The Social Model of Disability
Angela Dias (Report)
Accessible Housing
Payroll Service
Bus Stop Bypasses
Pavements for People
Scrap Social Care Charges
AMOS (Autism Mentoring & Outreach Service)
Harrow MS Therapy Centre
List of Services
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