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Discover HAD’s Hearing Aid Service

Have you got a hearing aid? Are you avoiding it? Or is it letting you down?

At HAD, we understand how important hearing aids are in improving your quality of life and how frustrating it can be when they don’t work as they should. That’s why our Hearing Aid Service is here to support you every step of the way.

Whether your hearing aid needs batteries changed, thorough cleaning, or you simply need help getting used to wearing and living with it, we’ve got you covered. We also offer guidance to help you become more aware of how to maintain and care for your hearing aid effectively.

But that’s not all. Have you considered how your hearing loss affects your loved ones? Would it help if your friends and family had better deaf awareness? We can provide advice and resources to help those around you understand your needs and communicate more effectively.

Don’t let hearing aid issues hold you back. HAD’s Hearing Aid Service is here to help you hear better, live better, and feel confident in using your hearing aid.

Contact us today to find out more and get the support you need!

T - 0208 861 9920 and leave a message with your name and contact details



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