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HADs 50th Birthday Party

On Tuesday the 24th of May, we celebrated HADs 50th birthday. We were hosted by the fantastic staff at 'FOLK - Palm House' a new build in Wealdstone.

Harrow Association of Disabled People (HAD) started as a charity in 1972. HAD has been supporting and campaigning for the rights of disabled people for over 50 years. We marked this event with a party to celebrate all of the hard work HAD has achieved over the past 50 years.

The now former Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Ghazanfar Ali was in attendance at the event, as well as numerous other council staff and Harrow Councillors. Gladys Janes MBE who worked for over 50 years at HAD briefly took us through some of HAD’s history.

(Video: Gladys Janes MBE)

(Video: Sherry Stewart-Rex)

(Video: Attendees singing Happy Birthday)

3pm-6pm was a drinks reception with lovely canapés provided by FOLK.

6pm-9pm was an evening of music with a DJ and live entertainment.

(Video: Friend of HAD, T.Harmony - Maze)

(Video: HAD Trustee, Janet Bell - Bei Mir Best Du Schoen)

A huge thank you to all of our contributors...

  • Palm House (FOLK)

  • Nerea Hunter (Nerea’s Dreamy Cakes)

  • Bakkavor (Harrow)

  • Ketan Dattani (Buckingham Futures)

  • The Castle pub (Fuller’s)

  • Grim’s Dyke hotel (Best Weston PLUS)

  • Julie Browne (Chair of HAD)

  • Kalpesh Patel (Om Funeral Care Ltd)

  • Harrow Arts Centre

  • Tesco (Pinner Green)

  • Morrisons (Hatch End)

  • M&S (Westway Cross, Greenford)



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