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Join Us - Call For Justice!!!

Join members of HAD (Harrow Association of Disabled people) on the

6th and 7th of December


The Royal Courts of Justice,




in our fight for PEEPs (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans)

We show solidarity with the action group Claddag

Two campaigners have won permission from the high court to challenge the government’s refusal to ensure that all disabled people can safely evacuate from high-rise blocks of flats in emergencies.

Georgie Hulme and Sarah Rennie, co-founders of the disabled-led leaseholder action group Claddag and both of them wheelchair-users who live in high-rise buildings, have been told they can apply for a judicial review of the decision made by former home secretary Priti Patel.

Patel rejected the Grenfell Tower Inquiry’s recommendation that all owners and managers of high-rise residential buildings should be forced to prepare a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) for all residents who might find it difficult to “self-evacuate”.

HAD supports this call for justice and wants/needs YOUR SUPPORT!!!



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