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The Politics of Parking (Summary Report)

HAD previously shared a survey on our social media platforms to gain the opinion of disabled drivers and passengers, regarding interactions that they have had with other members of the public.

The report goes in-depth about the positive and negative interactions disabled people have had whilst driving or being driven.

The author of the report, Vera Kubenz, who is a Postgraduate Researcher from the University of Birmingham, has had the courtesy to send us the finished version which can be read in full here.


304 respondents completed the survey between 1 January and 30 June 2023. Participants had a Blue Badge for 12 years on average (ranging from 1 to 55 years). 67% of participants were women. People aged between 40-59 made up almost half of the sample. LGBA (22%) and transgender (8%) were overrepresented in the survey, and Black and Minority Ethnic people were underrepresented (6%). Most participants had mobility impairments (81%) and/or chronic illness (76%), and most had more than one impairment type (74%). 44% had an always visible impairment, 39% a sometimes visible impairment.

Types of encounters

Being accused of faking and confronting non-Blue Badge holders abusing bays emerged as the two main types of encounters. Faking accusations were experienced by young people, never or sometimes visible impairments, women, and were more common in South England. Faking accusations range from direct accusations and demands to inspect Badge, to surveillance, and passive-aggressive disapproval (tutting, staring). People with chronic illness also experienced more harassment. People over 60 were more likely to confront those abusing Blue Badge bays."



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